Taxawu Jàng Elementaire (TJE)
“My nephew Mouhamed has been an Ashinaga scholarship holder for 3 years. He is a very curious and intelligent young man. I am really proud of him because he works well at school, he is always top of his class. Seeing an organization that is so involved in his education, I am aware that I too need to be more involved for him to succeed. I now know that education is not just limited to the classroom.”
– Mr. Thiam, Guardian of Mouhamed, a TJE Student
Ashinaga Senegal has been supporting the efforts of actors working for the development of the education sector in Senegal since 2016. Our TJE program aims to provide and secure access to education for each of our scholarship recipients until the end of their primary education, focusing primarily on young orphans of Senegalese nationality between the ages of 6 and 8 who are not yet enrolled in school.
The support we provide is diverse and varied, including financial, academic, and emotional support as well as access to healthcare. All TJE scholarship recipients attend academic reinforcement classes and receive a stipend to cover their basic educational needs. Several times during the year, we also organize socio-educative activities during day-long tsudoi. Based on the philosophy behind the tsudoi – summer camps – organized by Ashinaga in Japan, these events are moments of sharing, learning, and discovery.
We attach great importance to the participation of each child’s guardian in the implementation of this program. This is why we organize an awareness session at the beginning of each school year to draw their attention to and advise each guardian about the importance of their role in the education of their child. In addition, our regular social and academic follow-up ensures that all of our scholars receive the support and attention they need, both at home and at school, in order to succeed academically.

Taxawu Jang Universitaire (TJU)
“Since my childhood, I have dreamed of helping the rural world. Indeed, in my native village, Golléré, located 500 km from Dakar, the inhabitants travel several kilometers to have access to primary health care. Not having the financial means, some also resort to traditional medicine. These difficult conditions developed my passion for medicine and my burning desire to become a health professional. Today, thanks to Ashinaga Senegal, I will finally be able to serve this community, my community.”
– Moussa, TJU Alumni
This program targets high school graduates with a well-thought-out study project and career plan who show a strong desire to contribute, in their own way, to the development of Senegal.
During their support, our scholarship holders benefit from financial and socio-educational support; we cover all costs related to their studies – including but not limited to registration fees, tuition fees, school supplies, transportation costs and health insurance – until they obtain their undergraduate degree. Students also have the ability to apply for a scholarship for their Master studies should they wish to continue their education and can clearly demonstrate the value of further study to their professional goals.
In addition to financial support, we organize personal and professional development workshops to reinforce their knowledge and skills and ensure their integration into the world of work. Our student-centered model places an emphasis on academic excellence while also ensuring the development of the broad range of skills, qualities, and values that Ashinaga expects in all students.
Today, our students are studying in some of the best private universities in Dakar and Thies. Studying towards a diverse range of degrees and with a strong support network outside of their studies, they are all well placed to secure jobs that will position them as actors of development in their communities.