Ashinaga’s East-African Hub
Ashinaga Senegal empowers students who have lost one or both parents, providing the education and support needed to fulfill their potential. The Senegal office believes in the eradication of poverty for all orphaned students through increased access to education and professional training. As the regional office for Ashinaga in francophone sub-Saharan Africa, the mission is to contribute to sub-Saharan Africa’s expanding role in global development through the support of French-speaking students in Senegal and internationally. In doing so, we aim to foster the values of Ashinaga in students and support the global growth of the Ashinaga movement. Ashinaga Senegal’s work focuses on both international and domestic programs. Being the West-African hub of the Ashinaga Africa Initiative, our Dakar office plays a crucial role in preparing AAI Scholars for their academic and professional careers. In addition, domestic programs enable talented Senegalese students to access primary, secondary and tertiary education.
The Ashinaga Africa Initiative

The Ashinaga Africa Initiative (AAI) is an academic leadership program launched in 2014. It aims to contribute to sub-Saharan Africa’s expanding role in global development through increasing access to international higher education. AAI Scholars are students who have lost one or both parents and are committed to returning home, or to the region of Sub-Saharan Africa, to initiate change, innovation, and development. AAI Scholars start their journey with the Preparation Year, a one-year program to strengthen their academics before university and develop leadership skills. This takes place in Senegal, for students aiming to study in France, and in Uganda, for those aiming for anglophone countries and Brazil.
Ashinaga Senegal’s activities are entirely supported by donations. If you can, consider supporting the domestic program, giving children a chance to access the education they deserve and become actors of change.
*Donations made to the Ashinaga Senegal through HQ will be allocated accordingly once they are received. There is no remittance fee.
*Donations are not tax deductible.