Ashinaga Senegal’s activities are focused on three international and two domestic programs, each with a different target group, but all built upon our common ethos.
International Programs
The AAI is an international leadership program that cultivates the next generation of leaders to contribute to the development of sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to the start of their university studies, francophone students on the program stay and learn at our Kokoro-Juku facility in Dakar. Here, they learn alongside staff and tutors from around the world and engage with the local community through various outreach projects.
Japanese High School Scholarship Program
In partnership with the Ashinaga Foundation and several high schools in Japan, every year we select a Senegalese student who has lost one or both parents and who wishes to continue their studies at a Japanese high school. Prior to their departure for Japan, we offer intensive Japanese classes and in-depth support as they prepare for the transition and the start of their studies. After graduation from high school, students can also become Ashinaga Africa Initiative Scholars and receive support to undertake their university studies in Japan.
Overseas Training Program for Ashinaga Foundation Scholars
Supporting the Overseas Training Program organized by the Ashinaga Foundation, Ashinaga Senegal provides accommodation, mentorship, and guidance to Japanese students during their year-long stay in Senegal. After a period of intensive language learning, and a short-term homestay to familiarize with the local culture and language, each student develops their own plans to embark on a project related to their interests. Working closely with local communities independently of Ashinaga Senegal, students develop a deep understanding of their host country. In addition to their own projects, students also regularly volunteer their time to support our local program events and activities.
Domestic Programs
In 2016 Ashinaga Senegal launched our domestic programs, both falling under the name Taxawu Jàng, which translated to “Support to education” in Wolof, the main local language. Both programs focus on securing access to high-quality education and providing personalized support for their education and the overall development of scholars.
Taxawu Jang Elementaire (TJE)
The TJE program provides financial and socio-educative support to primary school students and their families. In addition to securing their access to primary education, we work in partnership with the schools and guardians of these children, in particular by raising awareness for their respective roles in supporting and ensuring the success of the child’s education.
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Taxawu Jang Universitaire (TJU)
TJU offers scholarships for Senegalese students who wish to study at a private university in Dakar. An academic and socio-emotional follow-up system is in place to support these students, and to ensure their professional development and integration into the job market. Utilizing our experience with the AAI, we also support the development of leadership skills in TJU students to empower them with the tools needed to fulfill their professional goals.