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Dean of Science, University of Malawi

Apart from being a university lecturer, Dr. Chomora Mikeka is the founding Director for the e-Communications Research Group (eCRG) Consulting on seven specific research and consulting areas: 1. Software Development, 2. Antenna and RF Engineering, 3. Broadband Internet, 4. Internet of Things (IoT), 5. Energy-Aware Systems, 6. Spectrum Use Audit and 7. Baseline Surveys. His world class outstanding work has been on TV White Spaces (TVWS) Technology for Broadband Rural-Connectivity. In 2013, eCRG became the Center of Excellence in the country on ICT as awarded by the National Commission of Science and Technology in conjuction with the E-Government (Malawi).  Dr. Mikeka has several other Awards including the 2009 European Microwave Association Student Challenge Prize in Rome (Italy). He won the 2011 IEEE RWW, Biomedical Radio and Wireless Technologies, Network and Sensing Systems Second Best Paper Award in Phoenix, Arizona (USA). He won the IEEE RFID-TA 2011, Third Best Paper Award in Sitges, Barcelona (Spain). He won the 2010 Yokohama National University International Science Exchange Encouragement Award in Yokohama (Japan). He is the 2014 – 2019 Junior Associate of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. His biography is included in the 27th edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World. He is the Laureate of IBC TOP 100 ENGINEERS in 2010. He is a Senior Fellow of the 1930 Physics Nobel Laureate (CV Raman). Very recently (October 2017), he was awarded the best young scientist by the Regional Universities Forum in Africa (RUFORUM) which comprises over 66 universities. He is the Founder and Trustee of the “to be” Registered Trustees of the Inventors’ Association of Malawi. He is a visiting senior lecturer or professor in many African universities. He has been recommended by the Japanese Embassy in Malawi as a potential member of the Kenjin-Tatsujin International Advisory Council for the “Ashinaga Africa Initiative.”

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