2. About Us
  3. Kenjin-Tatsujin



An International Advisory Council for
the Ashinaga Africa Initiative

The Kenjin-Tatsujin International Advisory Council is an advisory board for the Ashinaga Africa Initiative. The Council is a body of international leaders that forms a key part of the AAI.

The Japanese word Kenjin (賢人) means intellectuals and business leaders held in high public regard who have knowledge about global issues (Nobel laureates, academics, entrepreneurs, etc.). The word Tatsujin (達人) means nationally or internationally recognized artists, performers, or athletes who are socially active and globally conscious. Ashinaga values a wide range of opinions and professions on the Council, thus trying to represent different countries across all continents.

Support To the Ashinaga Africa Initiative

Kenjin-Tatsujin are expert advisors to the Ashinaga Africa Initiative. Together, they provide valuable advice on the formulation and execution of the initiative and offer ongoing counsel to Ashinaga concerning the project’s development.

Kenjin-Tatsujin members lend their support to the Ashinaga Africa Initiative by providing collective input to improve each element of the program, as well as connecting our students to universities, academic and professional opportunities, and support to turn their ideas into reality.




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